How To Center Your Header Image or Logo In Genesis Sample Theme

This tutorial provides 2 very simple yet highly flexible methods which produce exactly what you see in the screenshots.

Here’s the result using the first method to centre the header image.

logo centred

And here’s the result using the second to centre a logo in the header with the description below the image.

description after logo

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3 responses to “How To Center Your Header Image or Logo In Genesis Sample Theme”

  1. Thanks for this excellent tutorial. I’m trying to do something similar but can’t quite seem to figure it out.

    I want to center the title, but don’t want to use an image. Can this method be modified to accomplish that?

  2. Rosie Horn Avatar

    Hi Brad,

    Thanks for all your tutorials, have been refering to your website a lot as you created a great resource.
    I am using the genesis framework and sample child theme that come with it modifying it for a site I am building.
    I am having an issue with the header where I have an image and the site title as well. I want to be able to position the site title about 2/3 of the way down the image but as it is part of the anchor tag I can’t seem to access it without effecting the image too.
    I have tried vertical-align middle but it doesn’t seem to do anything.

    Would appreciate any suggestions you might have.

    Many thanks

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You need custom coding for this Rosie.

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