Carla King Asks – How Do i Remove The Loop of Posts From My Home Page

Carla King

Carla King asked me this question this post answers:

I have relied on your awesome tutorials quite a bit in designing two of my websites. I’m now working on my mom’s author website and cannot find a solution to what I thought would be an easy thing to address.

I’m using eleven40 Pro and don’t want any blog post content on the home page. In the past I was able to remove the grid by changing home.php to home. txt, following a simple tutorial. It works great.

But it leaves behind full length posts. I tried asking for some help in the forum, but do not have a solution. Would this be something you’d considering addressing in a blog post?

I did create a page called Home and made it my static home page in the ‘Reading’ settings in my dashboard. But it leaves me with a blank slate, and I don’t know how to work with it.

The Solution

Simply paste this line of PHP code near the end of your home.php file and you’ll get rid of all posts on your home page.

remove_action( 'genesis_loop', 'genesis_do_loop' );

If you simply removed the genesis_grid_loop code from your home.php file, the standard loop would still display posts like features.

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