Magazine Pro Themes Front Page On Eleven40 Pro Themes Home

studiopress theme customization

You can use this page template on your front page, blog page or any other page of your site.

5 responses to “Magazine Pro Themes Front Page On Eleven40 Pro Themes Home”

  1. Interesting!
    Would you know, is it possible to mix news pro with eleven40?
    With two sidebars, and news pro post elements in the middle?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton


  2. Can I embed video on the front page of the Magazine Pro theme? I have not managed yet.

  3. I’ll bite. How do I learn about using the magazine layout in eleven40 pro?



    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      If you can send me a copy of the Eleven40 Pro child theme, i will code the Magazine Pro themes front page into the theme exactly the same as you see in this screenshot.

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