Make Agency Pro Themes Home Bottom Widgets Display Like Home Middle

The Agency Pro theme by StudioPress includes a widgetized front-page.php file which includes home middle and home bottom widgets display in 3 columns.

The home middle and home botytom widget areas display differently however you can make them exactly the sam eif you like.

On Line 83 of your child themes front-page.php file, change the class from home-bottom to home-middle like this:

And here’s the result:

agency pro front page

This tutorial is based on this forum question:

I am using the Agency Pro theme.

I would like to know how I can make the Home Bottom (widget – Recent Articles)) work like the Home Middle (widget – Our Work). I want it so then the post (box) only shows the featured picture, but when you hover over it with the mouse, it transitions grey, and shows the text. For some reason, I can’t get the featured picture to be in the same size and format as the Home Middle (widget – Our Work). Basically, I want the Home Bottom to look and behave exactly like the Home Middle.

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