Remove Access To Install, Update, Delete, Edit or Switch Themes for Admins

Saw this interesting question on the forums today and wanted to share one solution you may find useful at some stage:

This basically removes all access to the Appearance menu in the WordPress dashboard so admins cannot access any themes and make any changes whatsever.

The toolbar menu will still display a link to the themes page however this is the message that is displayed when that menu link is clicked:

remove theme access

3 responses to “Remove Access To Install, Update, Delete, Edit or Switch Themes for Admins”

  1. It removed the Genesis Theme Editor too.

  2. I tried this by adding the code into functions.php and it worked. I then removed the code and it has caused the Appearance menu to not reappear. I cleared all cache, logged out/in, and it still doesn’t come back. Any ideas on what to get the Appearance menu to reappear?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Change remove to add and add the code again.

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