A Plugin To Create a New Plugin The Easiest Way

Samuel Wood from Audrey Capital has released another crazy (great) idea in the form of a plugin which makes it super easy to create new plugins.


Because sometimes you need to paste code into a plugin not a theme and this solution makes this quick and easy.

You’ve heard the name, ‘functionality plugin’ before however you might prefer something more like Pluginception.

Wonder where Otto got the idea for the name?

Installed Pluginception locally to test it out and show you the options page.

Create a New Plugin

Once you create a new plugin, you’ll find the new plugin folder in your plugins folder and can add your custom code directly to the php file or vi your plugin editor.


Whats Pluginception Good For?

  1. I think its an introduction to the very basics of plugin Development and a stepping stone to learning about plugins for absolute beginners.
  2. You can install Pluginception and create your own functionality plugin to store custom coding which is safe from theme updates and not confined to one specific parent or child theme.
  3. This plugin comes in handy for use with themes like Prose by StudioPress & Canvas by Woo themes. These 2 themes includes a built in options panel and special custom code section within the theme.

What Do You Think?

Is this cowboy-coding at its finest?

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