Add Genesis Grid Loop Before or After Home Page Widgets

This code enables you to add the genesis grid loop before or after widgets in your home.php or front-page.php file.

You can display your loop of posts in a 2 column grid or as features which display your post content or excerpt full width.

Genesis Grid Loop Before Widgets

Here’s a screenshot of what the code generates on the front page:

loop before widgets

Here’s the entire front-page.php code which adds the Genesis grid loop before your home or front page widgets.

Genesis Grid Loop After Widgets

Here’s a screenshot of what the code generates on the front page:

loop after widgets

Here’s the entire front-page.php code which adds the Genesis grid loop after your home or front page widgets.

CSS & Media Queries

Includes both the CSS and the CSS for the Media Queries.


  • Tested on the Enterprise Pro child theme by StudioPress.
  • The code may need modifying for use on other Genesis child themes.

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4 responses to “Add Genesis Grid Loop Before or After Home Page Widgets”

  1. Thanks for this post, Brad! I’ve been using the Genesis Grid Loop plugin for archives pages (but not the homepage). Is there a benefit to adding the grid, versus using the plugin?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      No worries Denise.

      I think code is always more flexible and secure than plugins.

      You can also modify code whereas plugins aren’t really mean’t to be modified

    2. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Another solution which you might like is to filter the post class to display excerpts in columns of 2 or 3.

      1. Thanks, Brad! I’ll experiment a bit with it to see if I can manage to implement this.

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