Move The Read More Link Position To The Next Line

This tutorial provides the PHP code which enables you to filter the read more link in Genesis.

It also includes code to modify the read more link when using the excerpt more tag in any theme.

All code snippets change the position of the read more link so it displays on its own line.

Standard read more link:


Modified read more link:


WordPress More Tag

This code moves the read more link onto a new line when using the WordPress More Tag to break up a post on your site:

Genesis > Content Archives > Content Limit

This code moves the read more link onto a new line when using the Content Limit in the Content Archives section on the Genesis Theme Settings page:

display post content

Excerpt More Filter

This code moves the read more link onto a new line when using the excerpt in any theme including Genesis:

display post excerpts

You can then use the class generated by the PHP code to style your read more link the way you like:

This post answers this forum question:

Hello, I have figured out how to style and change wording of the Read More link (when using the Content Archives settings in the Genesis theme settings section), but I would like to position the Read More link centered, beneath the text excerpt instead of directly after the wording.

I have tried different styling with the .more-link in my CSS but can’t get anything to work, I’m thinking it is just a CSS issue but any assistance would be greatly appreciated, page link:

The first 2 code snippets are modified versions from the Code Snippets page StudioPress members get access to.

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