Remove Theme Support For Specific Genesis Structural Wraps

Some Genesis child themes includes support for structural wraps in the child themes functions file.

The PHP code looks something like the following code and applies to your entire site:

//* Add support for structural wraps
add_theme_support( 'genesis-structural-wraps', array(
) );

This code can prevent you from displaying your background full width on specific pages like landing and front page templates.

The code also effects your entire site which is not ideal if you want full width background images and color to extend the entire width of your screen.

Simply add this line of PHP code to the file you need to modify.

This will only remove the site inner class from a specific template rather than your entire site.

Before Removing Site Inner

not full width

After Removing Site Inner

remove site inner

Video Demo

Once added to your front-page.php file, this code removes the site-inner class enabling you to display your background images and background colors full width outside the wrap.

Tested on the Remobile child theme by StudioPress and a Modified version of Eleven40 Pro.

2 responses to “Remove Theme Support For Specific Genesis Structural Wraps”

  1. Just got your newsletter! Don’t tell me this post is inspired from my question at Studiopress forums? Awesome! Many thanks Brad!

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hey George

      I was trying for hours to figure out how to remove the site inner class from the front-page.php file of Eleven40 Pro because it was stopping the background extending full width.

      Never seen this function before so its good to learn about a new solution.

      Its for my new front page on my own site.

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