Custom Page Template Exactly The Same As The Centric Pro Themes Front Page

I was asked by a member of WP Sites this question which i’ll provide the solution for in this post:

Hi Brad,

I would like to create in posts and/or pages the exact same widget areas available in the homepage in the Centric Pro theme.

Basically, in my website which is based on Centric Pro I would like posts (or pages) to show the same widget areas that the homepage show (not the same content, but the same widget areas), styled with the same styles.
The widgets I would like to replicate are home section 1, home section 2, home section 3 etc.

Here’s the result the code in this tutorial generates on any page you select the template:

centric home

Here’s the template file your can simply upload to the root directory of the Centric Pro child theme and PHP code for your functions.php file:

If you wanted to use the Centric Pro themes front page on all posts or pages, you would need to replace the widget areas with custom fields.

To do that, you could hand code the meta boxes or use a plugin like ACF.

2 responses to “Custom Page Template Exactly The Same As The Centric Pro Themes Front Page”

  1. Amazing support! Thanks a million Brad, your solution is exactly what I was looking for, and your answer was so quick! I had to work a bit to understand how to create a new template for other pages and create new widgets, but I made it, thanks to your code and instructions.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      You’re welcome Marco.

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