Add Custom Fonts To The WordPress Editor

This tutorial shows you how to add custom fonts to your editor in WordPress.

There’s 4 steps you need to take after installing the Fonts plugin.

The 1st step is to load your custom fonts for use on the front end of your site:


The following example loads the Trash Hand custom font:

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8 responses to “Add Custom Fonts To The WordPress Editor”

  1. […] be able to add you own custom fonts, you’ll need to upgrade to the premium version of the […]

  2. Carla Hall Avatar
    Carla Hall

    Is there a way to install a custom font to my editor by using a CSS editor plugin, instead of touching the CSS directly?


    1. I think you could use the code in the 5th step if your plugin already loads the font as long as it’s loaded in the backend as well, otherwise, use the 4th and 5th steps.

      1. Carla Hall Avatar
        Carla Hall

        I’ll try it – thanks!

  3. […] be able to add you own custom fonts, you’ll need to upgrade to the premium version of the […]

  4. shinecrusaders Avatar

    Nice! Thanks.

  5. shinecrusaders Avatar

    Hi Brad,

    A couple of questions after installing your plugin:

    1. Is the code for steps 1 (front end) and 4 (back end) both going into the functions.php file in child theme root after //* Enqueue scripts and styles ?

    2. with step 5 where is that going? somewhere in the fonts.php for your plugin I’ve loaded into my WP site?

    Thanks in advance for any insight/clarification you can offer!


    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Victor

      All the PHP code goes into the end of your child themes functions file and the CSS goes in your child theme’s style.css file.

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