3 Ways To Add Custom Sidebars To Single Custom Post Type Pages

In Genesis child themes, there are at least 3 ways you can add your own custom sidebar.

In this post, i’ll provide 3 solutions which enable you to add a custom sidebar to any custom post type page.


We’ll use the Executive Pro child theme by StudioPress as an example as it already includes a custom post type named portfolio.

The 1st and Easiest Solution

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2 responses to “3 Ways To Add Custom Sidebars To Single Custom Post Type Pages”

  1. I can make this show a ‘select a sidebar’ on the edit page of my single portfolio page, but the sidebar does not appear on the page or in the code. I’ve tried all 3 methods. I’m using the minimum pro theme as my starting point. I’ve tried it selecting a simple sidebar and the default sidebar.

    I”m also using your taxonomy title code, but i believe this only affects the archive page.

    any thoughts? thanks

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Send me a copy of your theme with the code in it please. Do you want a custom coded sidebar or use of the simple sidebars?

      I assume you have removed the code which forces the full width layout?

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