Customize The Display of Featured Images On Single Posts

This code enables you to override your Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive settings.

The PHP code overrides the single post display of featured images.

You can override the:

  1. Image size
  2. Image alignment

You can also control the image position – Before or after entry title.


Simply change the class in the code from aligncenter to alignleft or alignright or align none.


The code also enables you to add your featured image before or after the single post entry title.

If you want to display your images before the entry title, simply change the 15 in the first line of the code to 5. Thats it!


If you want to change the size of your image, simply change the size in the code from full to something like thumbnail, medium or large as well as any custom size you have added.

Here’s the code you simply copy and paste to the end of your child themes functions.php file using a code editor.

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5 responses to “Customize The Display of Featured Images On Single Posts”

  1. […] Modify Featured Images on Single Posts […]

  2. […] Customise The Display of Featured Images On Single Posts […]

  3. […] Customise The Display of Featured Images On Single Posts […]

  4. […] Below is the code for the entire home.php file from the Eleven40 Pro child theme by StudioPress. It includes the grid loop plus the code to move the featured image before the title. This code also enables you to do everything you see in this post. […]

  5. […] Customise The Display of Featured Images On Single Posts […]

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