Add Login Form Anywhere In Your Theme

This code enables you to display a login form anywhere in any theme.

You can add the code directly to a login page template.


You can hook the login form using a custom function and conditional tag.

This post includes the code which also creates a Genesis page template that includes all the parameters you can modify to customise the form if needed.


The page template also displays the login form and removes the content for logged out users. Once logged in, the template displays the full content.

3 responses to “Add Login Form Anywhere In Your Theme”

  1. Hey Brad,
    does this solution support the Jetpack Protect math captcha feature?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Good question. Give it a try because its very easy to test the form. I couldn’t see that module in Jetpack. Is it a standard module or another plugin?

  2. […] Add Login Form Anywhere In Your Theme […]

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