Full Width Video Background

This method uses CSS to display a full width video background.

This particular example, uses the full width hook genesis_after_header in a custom function.

You can add the PHP code directly to a front-page.php or any other template file in WordPress.

Here’s the PHP and CSS:

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3 responses to “Full Width Video Background”

  1. meant to say front-page.php

  2. Hi Brad,

    Is this the new code?

    Would you recommend going back to the native Aspire Pro theme and remove all the changes from the other post: Add Video Background to Inspire Pro Front Page Widget Area

    And whereabouts in the style.css – do you recommend this new code go?

    Thank you

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton


      I haven’t added any new code. You could add CSS for Media Queries if you want to position specific elements at specific screen widths.

      I’m actually working on a new solution which uses jQuery rather than CSS. Should be finished this week.

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