Display Featured Images in 1 & 2 Columns in 1 Loop On Genesis Blog Page

This code produces a custom blog page template for Genesis which displays your featured images like you see in the following screen shot:


The template is coded to display the featured image only from 10 posts per page.

The 1st featured image displays in one full width column followed by the next 4 posts displaying in 2 columns. Then the 6th post displays the featured image in 1 full width column followed by another 4 images from the last 4 posts.

Here’s the code for the template:

2 responses to “Display Featured Images in 1 & 2 Columns in 1 Loop On Genesis Blog Page”

  1. IronLeaf Avatar

    Super cool blog page! THANK YOU.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Cheers Robert.

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