Use Genesis Featured Posts Widget in Home Top Widget Area of Executive Pro Theme

By default, the home top widget area in the Executive Pro child theme by StudioPress is coded to display 3 featured page widgets. To do this, you need to add 3 separate featured page widgets.

If you want to use the Genesis featured post widget in the Home Top widget area, it won’t display your posts inline without modifying the default CSS for the home-top class.

Simply adding the featured posts widget in the Home Top widget area results in your posts stacking on top of each other vertically.

In this tutorial, i’ll provide the modified CSS you can replace in your child themes style.css file.

Firstly, here’s an example of the Home Top widget area displaying 6 featured posts.


Note: In this example, the widget settings are configured to only display the featured image however you can use any settings you like without needing to add/modify or edit any CSS.


You can also use this CSS to display your featured posts in 2,4,5 or 6 columns simply by changing 1 value for the width.

This method can be applied for use in any theme when you want to use the Genesis featured posts widget to display posts horizontally in a widget area coded to display using the featured page widget by default.

Here’s another example when using the title and excerpt.


Here’s the CSS and step by step installation instructions:

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