Full Width Popout Animation Video Template for Genesis

This template is a modified version of this tutorial and demo you see here on Codrops.

About 8 hrs has been spent modifying the code to work in Genesis to produce this result you can see in the following demo video:

Video Demo

The template is coded as a front-page.php file however you can easily add a page template header and use it on any page in any Genesis child theme by changing the file name to something like video-popout.php.


  • You can change the icons and icon links
  • Change the text
  • Change the images below the text
  • Change the background image
  • Change the button text and button styling
  • Change the video shown in the popout.

Tested on the Sample child theme by StudioPress themes.

Video Credit

Here’s the template you can download and install in your genesis child theme:

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5 responses to “Full Width Popout Animation Video Template for Genesis”

  1. shinecrusaders Avatar

    Alright Brad, This one had me completely confused all day with a site crash on top when I tried to execute. I managed to piece most of it together again to at least gain functionality back even if my code is buggy.

    Maybe I misunderstood the effect this vid-popout renders. Is it meant to entirely replace the alt pro front page widgeted area? My goal was to have that video load up/popout on my home page where visitors could view and then x out once complete and go on with normal navigation.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Victor

      This is an entire front page template not a popout for an existing template. It uses a demo image from Altitude Pro for the background but was never tested on that theme and isn’t meant for use with an existing front page template.

      1. shinecrusaders Avatar

        Could I go this route: “The template is coded as a front-page.php file however you can easily add a page template header and use it on any page in any Genesis child theme by changing the file name to something like video-popout.php” and create the effect I want incorporating pop-out vid to load 1st on my static front page and still have the widgets ? If so, can you offer some direction on how to code that? I’m not very familiar with setting up a page template header.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          No. Not for this template.

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