Add Content After 1st & 2nd Post on Paginated Home & Archive Pages

This tutorial contains 2 solutions which enable you to create 2 new widget areas in any Genesis child theme.

The widget areas display your content after the 1st and 2nd post on both the home page & archive pages. The content displays on all paginated pages, not just the first page on either archive.


Here’s a demo video showing you exactly what the code does:

Demo Video

You can easily modify the code if you wanted to add the widgets after any number of posts on any type of archive.

You can also use different widgets for the home and archives as tis uses the same.

Note: The 1st solution won’t work if you’re using custom loops including the Genesis featured post widget. The code in the 2nd solution works with any type of widget that generates custom loops.

Here’s the code you simply paste at the end of your child themes functions file:

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