Remove Links From Additional Features In AgentPress Pro

This code enables you to remove the links added to each additional feature in the AgentPress Pro child theme by StudioPress. The AgentPress Listings plugin adds the features taxonomy which outputs the term links like this:



Once you add the code below, the links are removes like this:



Here’s the code for logged in members:

5 responses to “Remove Links From Additional Features In AgentPress Pro”

  1. Rhonda Greene Avatar
    Rhonda Greene

    Would this also work on other themes using the AgentPress Listings plugin? I’m working on a site on the Gallery Pro child theme and want to remove links from the additional features output.

    Thanks!! (Looking forward to digging through your site, such a great resource!)

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hi Rhonda. I’ll test it on Gallery Pro for you now.

    2. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Rhonda. Additional features are only displayed on the archive listings page which isn’t included in Gallery Pro unless you copy it over in which case the code i provided will still work as it filters the features term links regardless of how they’re generated.


      More here if you’re into code.

      Did this answer your question?

      1. Rhonda Greene Avatar
        Rhonda Greene

        I think so. I’m pulling the info with the [property_details] short code. I will give this a shot and let you know how it goes! Thanks again!

      2. Rhonda Greene Avatar
        Rhonda Greene

        Yay, it works beautifully! One day in and my subscription has already paid for itself. Thanks so much!

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