Add Custom Post Type Entries To Genesis Site Map

This code uses wp_get_archives with the post_type=portfolio parameter to add custom post type pages to the site map included in Genesis.

Here’s the code you can add to your child themes functions file.

add_filter( 'genesis_sitemap_output', 'modify_sitemap' );
function modify_sitemap() {
    $heading = ( genesis_a11y( 'headings' ) ? 'h2' : 'h4' );
    $sitemap  =  sprintf( '<%2$s>%1$s</%2$s>', __( 'Pages:', 'genesis' ), $heading );
    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<ul>%s</ul>', wp_list_pages( 'title_li=&echo=0' ) );
    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<%2$s>%1$s</%2$s>', __( 'Categories:', 'genesis' ) , $heading );
    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<ul>%s</ul>', wp_list_categories( 'sort_column=name&title_li=&echo=0' ) );

    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<%2$s>%1$s</%2$s>', __( 'Authors:', 'genesis' ) , $heading );
    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<ul>%s</ul>', wp_list_authors( 'exclude_admin=0&optioncount=1&echo=0' ) );

    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<%2$s>%1$s</%2$s>', __( 'Monthly:', 'genesis' ) , $heading );
    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<ul>%s</ul>', wp_get_archives( 'type=monthly&echo=0' ) );
    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<%2$s>%1$s</%2$s>', __( 'Recent Posts:', 'genesis' ) , $heading );
    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<ul>%s</ul>', wp_get_archives( 'type=postbypost&limit=100&echo=0' ) );
    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<%2$s>%1$s</%2$s>', __( 'CPT Portfolio Items:', 'genesis' ) , $heading );
    $sitemap .=  sprintf( '<ul>%s</ul>', wp_get_archives( 'type=postbypost&limit=10&echo=0&post_type=portfolio' ) );
    return $sitemap;

Swap out portfolio in the above code with the name of your CPT.

You could also use wp_list_pages like this:

$sitemap .=  sprintf( '<%2$s>%1$s</%2$s>', __( 'Portfolio Items:', 'genesis' ) , $heading );
$sitemap .=  sprintf( '<ul>%s</ul>', wp_list_pages( 'title_li=&echo=0&post_type=portfolio' ) );

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2 responses to “Add Custom Post Type Entries To Genesis Site Map”

  1. Hi! Thank you for this! What if I just wanted the CPT titles to list/link on the sitemap, versus a list of posts below the CPT title? Any ideas on how I can do this? I have way too many posts/categories under the CPT’s to have them listed, but would be great to have an easy link for folks to go to that CPT. I hope this makes sense :).

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Micki, You can do that by modifying the PHP code which is something i support for members.

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