Template With Pagination To Get Comments From All Posts

This page template for Genesis displays all comments from all posts. You can also control which comments are displayed if needed and paginate the comments list using any amount of comments per page.

Here’s an example of what the comments list looks like tested on the Executive Pro child theme by StudioPress:


The template includes the following features:

  • The comment author avatar
  • A link to the post containing the comment
  • The entire comment content
  • Limit the comment content to a set amount of words
  • A comment reply link, linked directly to the actual comment
  • Pagination with comments per page


Sample CSS to make the comment avatar round and add margin to the avatar

.paginated-comments .avatar {
    margin-right: 20px;
    border-radius: 50% 50% 50% 50%;  

Template Installation

All you need to do is upload the file to your child themes root directory and select the Paginated Comments template from the drop down menu in any Page Attributes meta box on any Edit Page screen.

Here’s the template for logged in members:

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