Mirror Altitude Pro Themes Front Page 1 Widget Before Any Single Page

This solution provides a page template you can use to display an exact mirror of the front page 1 widget area. The front page 1 widget in this template displays after the header however the background mirrors the front page and displays the image behind both the widget content as well as the header and nav menu’s.

Here’s the page template in action:


Mobile Responsive

The template includes additional CSS for Media Queries which you simply paste at the end of your child theme’s style.css file. The mobile responsiveness mirrors the front page templates responsiveness.

Responsive Video Demo

The video screencast shows you how the template displays an exact copy of the front page 1 widget area when used on any single page.

Template Installation

Simply upload the template file named copy-widget-1.php to your child theme’s root directory. Then you can select it from the Template drop down menu in the Page Attributes box on any Edit Page screen.

Here’s the template for logged in members:

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