Add Icons To Widget Title

This tutorial provides 2 ways to add social follow icons next to any widget title. The social icons are hand coded using dashicons.

You can use this method to add any type of icons before, after or within the text of any widget title in any theme.

Here’s an example showing the icons floated to the right of the recent posts widget title:


Tested on the Enterprise Pro child theme by StudioPress.

This tutorial is based on this question from a member of the Genesis community:

In the custom widget area, I have moved the recent posts widget into it. I would like to add some social icons (will be using font awesome icons) to the title of the custom widget area. How can I do modify my custom widget area title to include the social icons?

Which Method Should You Use?

  1. Use method 1 when adding icons to widgets in custom widget areas added via your theme.
  2. Use method 2 when adding icons to any of the widgets native to WordPress.

Here’s the code for members:

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