Custom Category Archive Page Template With Unlinked Post Titles & Featured Images

This template enables you to control the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive settings for 1 specific category archive page.


All you need to do is name the file according to the WordPress Template Hierarchy. This tells WordPress to load the file when browsing that specific category page only. All other category archives will load the default category.php or archive.php file included in Genesis.

Category Archive Customization

The file is coded so it uses the default Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive settings. However, you can override these settings by modifying the values in the code for each setting to display:

  • Excerpts or full content
  • Include the featured image
  • Change the featured image size and alignment

All Links Removed

The category page is coded to remove the post title link and featured image link for each entry. It also displays the full content for each entry.

Here’s an example showing the title & featured image ( unlinked ) and full post content.


Template Installation

Simply name the file according to the WordPress Template Hierarchy and upload to your child theme’s root directory.

Works in any Genesis child theme.

This solution has been coded in response to the following question from a member of the Genesis community:

I’m simply trying to create one custom category page that – unlike my other category pages – just lists the full content of a number of category posts. Unlike my other category pages, I want this page to have a category description, but then just a list of full posts. No post excerpts or summary, no Read More links, no title-link or featured-image-link to the full post. Just a list of short posts in their entirety.

Here’s the category template for logged in members:

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