Ambiance Pro Front Page Like Single Post

This front page template displays exactly the same as a single post without the author box, single post navigation and comments. It does include pagination to the next post and only displays the most recent post with the full content. You can easily change this to display the excerpt instead or more than 1 post however you’ll need to remove 1 function from the end of the template which outputs the gravatar before the entry title.

The only other difference is the entry content is wider on the front page compared to single posts which can be changed if needed.

Here’s the side by side comparison showing the front page on the left and the single post/page on the right ( Click to enlarge )

Note the pagination on the front page which is styled by the themes default CSS.

Video Demo

The front page template is fully mobile responsive like the single post/page. Watch the following demo video for an example showing 1 post per page:

Here’s the front page template for logged in members:

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