Show Custom Menu, Title, Tagline & Header Widget On All WooCommerce Pages

This code enables you to display a completely different header area for all your WooCommerce pages. Here’s a example showing the default header area and custom header area which only displays when a WooCommerce page displays:

You can change the following on all WooCommerce pages and display a different:

  • Primary Nav Menu with WooCommerce pages only
  • Site Title
  • Site Description
  • Header Right Widget

You can also change the site title link to any URL.

You will need to create a new menu named woocommerce-menu and assign it to the WooCommerce Menu Display location as seen in the following screenshot:

You’ll also find a new widget area on the widgets admin page named WooCommerce Header Right. You can change the site title and description text in the code.

Here’s the demo video:

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress.

Here’s the code for logged in members:

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