Full Width Image On Archives When Image Only Added To Single Post

This tutorial provides the code which enables you to choose the size of the featured image on any/all archive page types. What this enables you to do is display a full width image on archive pages when you only want to publish a image in a post and not add any text content.

Here’s what the archive page looks like if you only add the image without any text content and the image is only small or medium:

In the above screenshot, the Genesis > theme settings > content archive settings have been set to display a thumbnail so it leaves a big gap on archive pages when no text content is added.

And here’s the same image when text is added:

The code in this tutorial makes it super easy to simply to select a checkbox located on every Edit post screen so any posts you publish with images only display full width on archives which are set to display smaller images with text.

And here’s the result when you do:

Demo Video

Here’s the demo video showing how you can change a post with image only to display full width on archives rather than a smaller image with a big gap:

Works on all archive types regardless of Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive settings.

Here’s the code for logged in members:

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