Artists ( Music ) Custom Post Type Grid With Pagination

This tutorial contains the code which enables you to add unlimited single entries for each artist which display in a grid like you see in the following screenshot:

If you want the archive pagination as well as the next & previous page links to work correctly, you need to understand how the WordPress Template Hierarchy works. You also need to use the correct method for naming the templates and coding both the the CPT and any support for creating custom taxonomy types.

Adding archive pagination to page templates is not the same as the default pagination which is generated by the built in loop for standard archives as well as custom post type archives.

Demo Video

If you want to use a page template for creating a grid which includes working pagination, you can get that here as well.

The code in this tutorial enables you to:

  • Display 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 columns
  • Link each single entry artists page to the next & previous artists page
  • Create as many custom post types as you like using the same code
  • Create unlimited custom taxonomies as you like just the same as you create categories or tags in WordPress. No coding needed
  • Style all the HTML elements on the archive page differently to the rest of your site
  • Add the title , excerpt, entry meta back to each entry simply by adding back one code of line to the archive file
  • Fully responsive on all screen widths and devices

Here’s the code for logged in members:

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