1st Post Full Sized Featured Image Rest Thumbnails With Text Wrapped

This tutorial provides the code which enables you to display a full width featured image for the 1st post in any archive and then a smaller thumbnail image aligned left or right with the text excerpt wrapped around the image like you see in the following screenshot:

The code also enables you to control which entries in the loop are effected so you can control:

  • Set content limit – Limit the text content to a specific character limit which only effects posts on specific archive pages.
  • Set Image Alignment – Display the featured image for each post aligned left, right and none.
  • Set Image Size – Set the featured image to display at any size included in the Media Settings or any custom sizes added.
  • Remove/Add Featured Image – Remove or add the featured image from/on specific archive pages only without effecting other archives.
  • Set Content or Excerpts – Display the Content or the excerpt.
  • Change Pagination – Use either Next and Previous page pagination or Numeric pagination.

Here’s the code ( fully supported ) for logged in users:

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