Genesis Featured Page Widget – Open Links In A New Window

The code in this tutorial enables you to change all the links generated by the Genesis Featured Page widgets so they all open in a new widow on click.

The links which now open in a new window are:

  • The featured image
  • The entry title
  • The more link

Here’s the demo video:

Demo Video

The demo video shows how the code, once added to your child theme, makes all the links generated by the Genesis featured page widget, open in a new window as opposed to the default where the links open in the same window.

This tutorial has been written about on the following question from a member of the Genesis community.

I’m using the Elegance theme. The homepage makes use of 2 widget areas that contain a Genesis Featured Page widget (in the demo, these link to the “about” and “portfolio” pages).

Is there any way I can configure the featured page widget to get the links to open in a new window?

Here’s the code for logged in members:

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2 responses to “Genesis Featured Page Widget – Open Links In A New Window”

  1. Susan Sezgin Avatar
    Susan Sezgin

    Hi Brad,

    Can I use this same code for the Featured Widget Amplified plugin? Or can you tell me what I would change in order to get it to work with that plugin?



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