Add Unique Content After Each Category Archive Page

You can use code to add content after each category archive page or install a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields commonly referred to as ACF. If you use ACF, you’ll still need to add some PHP code to your child themes functions file.

Demo Video 1m 58s

This video shows you how to create a new field using ACF for adding unique content after the loop on each category archive page.

There’s 3 steps :

Step 1 : Create a new field.

In this example, we’ll named the field after_category. Use the following image to create a new field named after_category using exactly the same settings:

Step 2 : Add your content on any Edit Category admin screen :

Step 3 : Add PHP code to your child themes functions file.

Here’s some sample code you can add to your functions file which only works with a field named after_category.

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