Different Custom Logo On Front Page in Genesis

This code enables you to show a different logo on the front page compared to whats shown elsewhere. The code uses the custom-logo function rather than the custom-header function which is different.

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Shows how the code enables you to use a unique logo on the front page and the default logo added via the customizer site identity on all other pages.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress however will work in all Genesis child themes.

There’s 1 – 2 steps involved depending on which version of the Genesis Sample theme you’re using, all of which are done in your child themes functions.php file.

Step 1 : Here’s the code for the custom-logo you can replace in your functions file with the code for the custom-header on older Genesis child themes.

Note : Newer versions including the new Genesis Sample theme won’t require this step as they already include this code.

add_theme_support( 'custom-logo', array(
    'width'           => 600,
    'height'          => 160,
    'header-selector' => '.site-title a',
    'flex-height'     => true,
) );

Now you can go to Site Identity in the customizer and add your default logo.

Step 2 : Add the following code to your child themes functions file if using older versions of Genesis Sample otherwise you’ll only need step 3:

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2 responses to “Different Custom Logo On Front Page in Genesis”

  1. Stephen Garland Avatar
    Stephen Garland

    Is there a way to do this on different pages instead of the homepage? Lets say that I want a different logo depending on which category the user is visiting.

    1. Yes, check back here tomorrow and i’ll write a tutorial with the code.

      Update : Here’s the code https://wp.me/p1lTu0-iLw

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