Remove Background Image If Specific Genesis Layout

This code answers the following question from a member of the Genesis community:

Question : Is there a remove_action I can add to a page template to remove the site’s background image on that layout?

Answer : Yes, there’s at least 2 ways to remove the background image based on what layout the page is loading.

The 1st solution enables you to remove the image using a custom function which checks the default layout via your child themes functions file. In the following example, the image is removed only on pages where a full width content layout option is set.

add_action( 'genesis_meta', 'remove_back' );

function remove_back() {

    $site_layout = genesis_site_layout();
    if ( 'full-width-content' === $site_layout ) {
    remove_theme_support( 'custom-background' );


Swap out full-width-content in the above code snippet with any of the following default layout options included in most Genesis child themes.


The 2nd solution enables you to add the code directly to a template file like your front_page.php or page_landing.php file :

remove_theme_support( 'custom-background' );

You can add the single line of code above to any template file included in the WordPress Template Hierarchy.

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