Add Image Slider To Centric Pro Home Widget 1 Background

The code addition and modification in this tutorial enables you to replace the background to the home widget 1 with a slider like this :

Based on this question from a member of the Genesis community on the StudioPress community forums.

Hey I would like to add the slider to the home widget 1 featured widget area and replace the background color.

Here’s the demo video :

Demo Video

The video shows the home widget 1 background has been removed and a slide show of images has been added which aslo display behind the site title and nav menu in the site header.

Also shows the slider is responsive on smaller screens.

Simple Slider Installation

There’s 4 simple steps after downloading the zipped folder for members below:

Step 1 : Upload the folder named slider to the Centric Pro themes root directory.

Step 2 : Copy the PHP code from the functions.php file in the download folder to the end of the Centric Pro themes functions.php file.

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