Add New Full Width Widget To Wellness Pro Front Page 1 Widget Area

This tutorial provides the code which enables you to add another widget to the front page 1 widget area in the Wellness Pro child theme by StudioPress.

This tutorial has ben written based on a question a member asked via Facebook messaging.

Hi there. I’m developing a site with the Wellness Pro theme. I am looking at the possible layout configurations for the front page widget areas. However, I need a configuration which isn’t there. See the following image to demonstrate what I need on one of the widget areas…

I need to have a title widget across the top of three equal width widgets below. Can this be done at all, please? Thanks again for your time.

We can simply add a new widget area before the front page 1 widget area like you see in the following screenshot :

Here’s the code modifications and additions which you need to follow.

Code Installation

There’s 2 steps :

Step 1 : Modify the front-page.php file in Wellness Pro so it looks like this :

Step 2 : Add the following CSS to the end of the style.css file and adjust accordingly :

.full-width .image-section .flexible-widgets .widget, 
.full-width .image-section .flexible-widgets .wrap {
    padding-bottom: 0;
    margin-bottom: 0;

.full-width .image-section .flexible-widgets.widget-full .widget_text {
    margin: 0 auto 0;
    max-width: none;

You can add the CSS to the css > style-front.css or style.css file in Wellness Pro.

2 responses to “Add New Full Width Widget To Wellness Pro Front Page 1 Widget Area”

  1. Michele Smith Avatar
    Michele Smith

    Hey Brad. I need help on Wellness Pro theme. My client wants his logo at top and then 3 smaller logos underneath for Better Business Bureau, Manufacturer’s website, Financing logo. All the smaller logos need to link to other sites. How can I add that to Wellness pro theme right under the main logo. He wanted the main logo larger as well.

    thanks for your help!

    1. What size are the logos? And in what configuration?

      Try this tutorial

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