Use No Sidebar Front Page As Blog or Archive Page Template

A member of the Genesis community contacted me via Facebook messaging about the No Sidebar Pro theme and wanted to know how to make her blog page template look the same as the front page. Here’s the message :

Hi there. I have a question about my No Sidebar Pro theme.

I recently switched my blog from the home page to its own page, letting my business have the Static front page option. my blog is now accessible from the header an footer menus. but when i click on it, all the articles run into one another as if one one continuous post. (they don’t, they are separated by titles and pictures and dates, but it LOOKS like it.) i don’t like it. i want them to display in boxes of pictures like they used to. is this option only available on the front page? How can I achieve this look again, its basically the core reason of why i chose this theme in the first place.

Demo Video

Here’s the demo video showing a custom blog page template displaying exactly the same as the front page.

Template Installation

  • Upload the file named page_blog.php to the No Sidebar Pro theme folder and select it from the Templates drop down menu in the Page Attributes meta box on any Edit Page screen.
  • You can then paste the CSS from the style.css file in the download folder to the end of the No Sidebar Pro themes style.css file and clear caching.
Note : You can also use this template with any type of archive, author, category, search, custom post type, taxonomy and tag pages. Simply remove the template header and name the file according to the WordPress Template Hierarchy so it loads on specific archive page types. You also won’t need to add the CSS.

And here’s the template for logged in members.

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4 responses to “Use No Sidebar Front Page As Blog or Archive Page Template”

  1. Lucas Mulder Avatar
    Lucas Mulder

    Hi, this doesn’t seem to be working for me. I’ve uploaded the template, and selected it in the Page Attributes area. Rather than showing posts, it’s just referencing it’s own page. See…

    Has something changed in the template that needs updating?

    1. Lucas, this tutorial needs updating which will be done over the next few days.

      1. Lucas Mulder Avatar
        Lucas Mulder

        Awesome, thanks for the quick reply.

        1. Lucas, here’s the new solution which in your case is method 3

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