Add Full Width Image on Sub Pages In Gallery Pro

The code in this tutorial adds a widget after the header on all pages excluding single posts and the front page.

The widget includes a full width background image like the front page 1 widget area.

The tutorial has been written based on the following question from a member of the Genesis community :

Hello I’m using the Gallery Pro theme and I want to be able to have the same type of full width front-page image on my sub pages. Also I want to be able to have a widget that will allow me to add a button to the image similar to the “Front Page 1” widget. Is this possible? Thanks in advanced for any help.

Here’s the demo video.

Demo Video

Adds a full width widget with background image after the header on all pages excluding the front page & single posts.

Unique Content & Background Images

You can also use the code below in replace of the code included in the download file if you want to add a unique image as the widget background on each page. When no image added, a default named after-header.jpg is used from your images folder.


Here’s a entire tutorial which includes the code for adding unique content & unique images.

Code Installation

Simple, 1 step code installation :

From the download folder, copy & paste the PHP code to the end of the Gallery Pro themes functions.php file.

You can then add HTML to a text widget in the new After Header widget area.

Register or login to access the download folder for members :

6 responses to “Add Full Width Image on Sub Pages In Gallery Pro”

  1. Brian Thomas Avatar
    Brian Thomas

    Things are working as needed! Thanks for the modifications. Quick question for future references. How difficult would it be to have different “text content and button links” for each image in the After Header position? Currently whatever I have in the “After Header” widget is displaying on all images using the After Header position. Nothing pressing just wondering if that’s a possibility. Thanks.

  2. Brian Thomas Avatar
    Brian Thomas

    I have implemented the code. Now how do I go about having a different background image for each sub page? Thanks.

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Hello Brian. By sub page do you mean single pages only?

      1. Brian Thomas Avatar
        Brian Thomas

        Yes. I need a different full width background image for each page of the website. I have 4 pages – Home, Services, Products, Contact. Currently the home page is using the “Front Page 1” widget and displays a full width image. Using your code the other 3 pages are displaying a “gray” background in the same location as the Front Page 1 widget. I need different background images for each page. Thanks.

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          See additional code added which you can use in replace of the code included in the download.Requires installation of ACF and setup of a custom field.

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