Genesis 404 Page Template

You can upload this file to your child themes root directly to create a very simple 404 template you can customize in any Genesis child theme.

This is what the code produces :

You can then use CSS to style the search form :

.error404 .entry-content button,
.error404 .entry-content input[type="button"],
.error404 .entry-content input[type="reset"],
.error404 .entry-content input[type="submit"],
.error404 .entry-content button {
	width: 100%;
	margin-top: 20px;

.error404 .entry-content input[type="search"] {
    width: 100%;

Works in both HTML & XHTML child themes.

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10 responses to “Genesis 404 Page Template”

  1. its amazing but how can we add some extra like most popular post in 404 page or some special desired page i think they might be require some php shortcode

    1. Yes you can add code to the file to load any posts or pages you like. This level of support is available for registered users.

  2. Thanks for sharing bro.
    I really want it!!

  3. Awesome 404 page design

  4. Alvaro Guevara Avatar
    Alvaro Guevara

    Hi, what is, and why would one want to link to, and confuse newbs, with TAGGED TUTORIALS?

    1. Brad Dalton Avatar
      Brad Dalton

      Because you can find tutorials by theme name.

      1. Alvaro Guevara Avatar
        Alvaro Guevara

        I simply never heard of a “tagged tutorial” Brad. Can you give example of some Genesis them please?

        1. Brad Dalton Avatar
          Brad Dalton

          These are posts tagged by theme name

          1. Alvaro Guevara Avatar
            Alvaro Guevara

            OK I see. But why confuse newbz with tutorials? Why not just explain the 404 simply in a sentence or two?

          2. Brad Dalton Avatar
            Brad Dalton

            Its about providing options to find what they need.

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