Monochrome Pro Image After Header On Any Page Type

This solution enables you to add a unique image after the header on any single page or specific page type like the Genesis blog page template which you can see in the following video.

In this case, you can use the featured image or add a custom image via a custom field named image like this :

If a image URL is added via a custom field, it will display in replace of the featured image otherwise the featured image will display.


There’s 2 steps :

Step 1 : From the download folder, upload the files named image-after-header.php & page_blog.php to the Monochrome Pro themes root directory.

Step 2 : From the download folder, copy & paste the CSS from the style.css file to the end of the Monochrome Pro themes style.css file, just before the start of the Media Queries.

You can then select the page templates from the Template drop down menu on any Edit Page screen as seen in the demo video above.

Register or login to access the download folder :

12 responses to “Monochrome Pro Image After Header On Any Page Type”

  1. defree99 Avatar

    I just created a paid account.

    Can you create a tutorial for Monochrome?

    I would like to create a widget area above the menu. Like the one that is in Mai Law Pro.

    I’m referring to the part that shows “call today . . .” , phone number, social media icons

    1. Hello. The widget area is before the header however in Monochrome Pro, there’s a fixed header when you scroll meaning the before header widget will be hidden once scrolled. What do you want to do about that?

      1. defree99 Avatar

        Well that’s not ideal for my purposes. I am trying to compete with other heating and air conditioning companies like this local competitor:

        Can you do it on Magazine Pro or Navigation Pro?

        1. Just published this

          Should work in most StudioPress child themes.

          1. defree99 Avatar

            My alignment is off. It wraps to make two lines instead of one. Does it matter that this is a Multisite installation?

          2. Link to the site please.

          3. defree99 Avatar

            Sorry I thought I pasted it.
            BTW, it seems to only be in Firefox.

          4. Tested in both Chrome and Firefox and works fine. Did you clear caching?

          5. defree99 Avatar

            Had to to a hard clear, but that did it. Thanks!

  2. Michele Smith Avatar
    Michele Smith

    Thank you for the information. I have a question. When I visit the page for the 2nd time, the photo isn’t there. Have you ever seen this problem?

    1. I updated the page_blog.php file and removed the check for full width content. Please download the folder again and replace the page_blog.php file in your child themes root directory.

      1. Michele Smith Avatar
        Michele Smith

        thank you Brad!

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