Allow Users To Submit Property Listings For Review With AgentPress Listings

This code adds a custom role named User Listing which enables any user with this role to submit property listings for review by admin.

The code only works with the AgentPress Listings plugin which you can use with any Genesis child theme.


Any user assigned the custom role, User Listing, will be allowed to login and

  • Add new listings which they can submit for review
  • Edit their own listings

They will not be able to edit or delete admin or other listings submitted and/or published by any other users.

Admins will retain full capabilities to all user submitted & published listings.

Watch the following video demo to see how it works.

Demo Video

Shows how a user with the role User Listing, can submit listings for review by a admin who can publish the listing. The listing can then be edited by the original user who submitted the listing but only the admin can delete the listing.

Code Installation

There’s only 1 step :

From the download folder, copy & paste the PHP code to the end of your child theme’s functions file. You can then change the role for any user to User Listing.

Reminder : The code only works when the AgentPress Pro Listings plugin is active.

Register or login to access the code :

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