Load Parent Category Template On Sub or Child Category Archive Pages In Genesis

The code in this tutorial provides a custom category template for Genesis as well as the code enabling you to load the template on any parent and child archive pages using any WordPress theme.

Here’s a demo showing the parent category template loading on child category archive pages :

Demo Video

Shows the custom category template loading on both the category archive and child category archive pages.

Tested using the Altitude Pro child theme by StudioPress.

The category template also includes code which enables you to modify the default category template generated by Genesis. You can also use these code snippets directly in the template to override the Genesis > Theme Settings > Content Archive settings.


There’s 2 steps :

Step 1 : From the download folder, upload the file named category-resources.php to your child themes root directory. Change the name of this file to match your parent category using the WordPress Template Hierarchy.

Step 2 : From the download folder, copy & paste the PHP code from the functions.php file to the end of your child themes functions file. You’ll need to swap out the ‘resources’ category slug or i.d in the code with your own parent category i.d and also swap out the file name for the category template with the name of your category template file. Support for this is provided for logged in users.

Register or login to access the template & code in the download folder :

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