Portfolio Custom Post Type Code With Single & Archive Template Files

This download includes the code & templates which enable you to :

  1. Create a custom post type in your child themes functions file.
  2. Use templates to customize the single, archive & custom taxonomy type archives for your CPT.

The download folder includes the following :

  • Code to create a custom post type & custom taxonomy types which you add to your child themes functions.php file. You’ll also need to re-save your permalink settings.
  • 3 templates named single-portfolio.php, archive-portfolio.php & taxonomy-portfolio-type.php which you upload to your child themes root directory.

Demo Video

Shows how you can add single entries and assign them to custom taxonomy types which can be created in the WordPress dashboard. Also shows archive entries displayed in a grid.

Tested using the Genesis Sample child theme by StudioPress.

The archive-portfolio.php & taxonomy-portfolio-type.php templates include code which enables you to display entries in columns.

Here’s the download folder :

The code and templates can be modified from the safety of your child theme. Logged in users can access support for code modification.

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