Template For Custom Genesis Grid Loop With Image Hover Overlay

This template displays the featured image with a hover overlay effect. It is coded to display the image caption, if added, otherwise it displays fallback text.

The fallback text used is the image description, if added, otherwise the entry title of the single post or page is used based on each unique image uploaded to your WordPress media library.

By default, the featured images display in a 3 column grid which can be modified to any number of columns.

The template is coded to display the featured image from sub/child pages and also includes pagination.

You can also use this template to display posts or entries from any other post type.

Watch the following video to see the template in action.

Demo Video #

Shows the featured image from child pages displaying in a 3 column grid with text overlay on hover.

Note : If you want to display a featured image grid on archive pages which use the WordPress Template Hierarchy, use this archive template for Genesis.

Installation #

Once you have access to the download folder, there’s only 2 steps you need to take :

Step 1 : Upload the file named template.php to your child themes root directory and select the template named Parent Page Template from the Template drop down menu in the Page Attributes box on any Edit Page screen.

You can then add new pages choosing the Page Parent Template as the parent for each child page as seen in the demo video and screenshot.

Make sure the Template chosen is default for each child page as seen above.

Step 2 : Copy & paste the CSS from the style.css file to the end of your child themes style.css file and clear caching.

Register or login to access the download folder.

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