FREE Genesis Guide for Beginners PDF

Download – A beginners guide to the Genesis Framework, by StudioPress.

Here’s what’s inside :

A Quick Introduction to the Genesis Framework for WordPress
Introduction to the Genesis Framework
What’s a Framework?
What’s a Child Theme?
Theme Files
How to Install the Genesis Framework (and a Child Theme)
Introduction to Installing the Genesis Framework and a Child Theme
Installing Genesis and a Child Theme from Inside WordPress
Installing Genesis and a Child Theme Using FTP
Activating a Theme
An Overview of the Basic Settings of the Genesis Framework Introduction to the Basic Settings of the Genesis Framework
Theme Settings in the WordPress Customizer
Theme Settings Screen
SEO Settings
Configuring the Home Page of Your Genesis Site
Introduction to Configuring the Home Page of Your Genesis Site
Custom Home Page
Blog-Style Home Page
Static Home Page
How to Set Up a Navigation Menu
Introduction to Setting Up a Navigation Menu
A Beginner’s Guide to the Genesis Framework for WordPress
Create a Menu in the WordPress Customizer
Create a Menu in the WordPress Dashboard
Create a Non-Clickable Menu Item
Create a Drop Down Menu Item
Common Widget Areas in Genesis Child Themes
Introduction to the Common Widget Areas in Genesis Child Themes
Header Right Widget Area
Primary Sidebar Widget Area
After Entry Widget Area
Footer Widget Areas
What Widgets Are Included with the Genesis Framework?
Introduction to the Widgets Included in the Genesis Framework
Genesis – Featured Page Widget
Genesis – Featured Posts Widget
Genesis – User Profile Widget
Additional Widgets
How to Use Your Own Logo or Header Image on Your Genesis Site
Introduction to Using Your Own Logo or Header Image
Header Image in the WordPress Customizer
Header in the Genesis Theme Settings
How to Use Genesis Templates
Introduction to Using Genesis Templates
Archive Template
Blog Template
A Beginner’s Guide to the Genesis Framework for WordPress
The ABC’s of Updating the Genesis Framework
Introduction to Updating the Genesis Framework
Updating Genesis Using the Automatic Update
Updating Genesis Manually
Genesis Plugins

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