Genesis CPT Archive Settings Field For Posts Per Page

This code adds a sortable meta box to any custom post type archive.

Here’s a demo showing how the field enables you to set posts per page for the portfolio CPT archive page :

This solution is coded using existing functions which support adding metaboxes in Genesis, therefore, only works in Genesis child themes and contains less code than is normally required to code a metabox in WordPress.

Genesis functions used in this code are :


Also uses spl_autoload_register to register the function which loads the PHP class for the metabox.

What’s Included

  1. Code to create a custom post type named portfolio with single, archive and taxonomy templates for the portfolio CPT.
  2. Sortable metabox for setting posts per page on CPT archives.


Once you download the download folder, there’s only 2 steps :

Step 1 : Upload the 2 files named posts_per_page.php & class.Genesis_Posts_Per_Page_Settings.php to your child themes root directory.

Step 2 : Add the following line of code to your child themes functions file :

require_once get_stylesheet_directory() . '/posts_per_page.php';

Register or login to access the download folder :

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