Modified Genesis Featured Posts Widget Featured Image & Title Links

This tutorial is based on the following question from a registered user :

I have gone through this tutorial on modifying the functionality of the featured posts widget.

I would like to achieve the following :

  1. Open Genesis Featured Posts Widget Links In New Window
  2. Remove Link from Genesis Featured Posts Titles
  3. Link Genesis Featured Posts Featured Images To Any URL

The file in this download does the following :

  • Removes the link from the entry title in all featured posts
  • Enables you to link any featured image to any URL
  • Opens the post in a new window when the featured image is clicked

Watch the demo video to see exactly how it works.

All modifications relate to entries displayed using the Genesis featured posts widget.

Demo Video

Shows the featured posts widget title link removed so it’s unclickable and the featured image linked to a custom URL.

Works in any Genesis child theme.

Register or login to access the download folder :

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4 responses to “Modified Genesis Featured Posts Widget Featured Image & Title Links”

  1. Pamela Blake Avatar
    Pamela Blake

    Hi Brad,

    have emailed you new user admin logins.

    Kind regards, Pamela.

    1. The code in the custom-featured-posts-widget.php file on your server is NOT the same as the download. Re-install the custom-featured-posts-widget.php file from the download folder and it will work as i tested it again right now.

  2. Pamela Blake Avatar
    Pamela Blake

    Hi Brad,

    I am using the Genesis featured posts widget on Imagely Journal theme and trying to get each featured post image which is in a gallery of featured posts images on the Home page to go to a page (with differing information), not to the post. And of course made a new test page to link the featured post to. I have uploaded the custom-featured-posts-widget.php to the theme and added the extra action to the functions.php. I have made a custom field in the actual post that the image links to now and added the Name – featured_image_link and Value – address of the page to that post. But nothing is happening. What do you think I am doing wrong please?
    Kind regards, Pamela

    1. Hi Pamela

      Send me FTP access or a copy of your theme with the code installed and i’ll test it.

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