Authority Pro Front Page Template As Page Template – Easy Setup Version

This template produces exactly the same result as this older template however is far easier to setup.

This version requires the use of the ACF plugin unlike the previous version which uses WordPress custom fields.

Once you install the template, you can import the json file from the download folder into ACF and your fields and demo content for each field is setup automatically.

In your WordPress Dashboard go to Custom Fields > Tools > Import Field Groups and you’ll find the box to select the json file for import.

Here’s 1 example of what the template produces after importing the ACF json file :

The template also includes a unique widget area for the eNews subscribe widget in the hero section and a unique footer widget area independent of the front page.

Watch the demo video to see unique content displays on a single page using the template.

Video Demo

Shows a single using the template which shows unique content in the same way the front page template works.

Register or login to access the download folder :

9 responses to “Authority Pro Front Page Template As Page Template – Easy Setup Version”

  1. Hanno Koehncke Avatar
    Hanno Koehncke

    🙂 Brad, thank you very much! – But even though this was great help for going a step forward – i feel helpless to get my project up and running.

    I’m too stupid to understand the architecture of the authority theme and the framework.

    What i hoped for was, that with the installation of the demo content i have a fully local copy in my webspace (without links to the genesis-demo-öwebsite), that looks like the demo and i hoped, that i could change step by step the elements of visuals and text.

    I was looking for but did not find a way, how to make my landing page shining up as the front page template without going over the menu.

    Can you give me some hints, where i can learn, what i need to know?

    1. Hanno Koehncke Avatar
      Hanno Koehncke

      Hi Brad, it’s me again – uhm – and now i’m on my way finding the solution for my questions. Maybe feeling a bit ashamed, that the good old RTFM! can help really. Now i’m at – where i find answers to my questions.

      But it is very helpful now that i can compare my modifications with your installed page with the front-page-template.

      Thanks again!!

      1. Hanno, What you can do now is modify the HTML for each custom field on the Edit Page screen using the template.

  2. Hanno Koehncke Avatar
    Hanno Koehncke

    Didn’t write your name, Brad, and didn’t say “Hi!” to you – sorry for that…

  3. Hanno Koehncke Avatar
    Hanno Koehncke

    Hi, how and where do i import the json file?

    1. Hanno Koehncke Avatar
      Hanno Koehncke

      Found it – in the ACF pro field groups import.

      But i thought, this download of yours replaces the whole demo-content import – i do not have the demo content in my fresh system. There is only the genesis framework and the authority pro child theme activated.

      Where and how can i install the demo content?

      1. The demo content is included in †he .json file.

        Please send me wp-admin username and password if you want me to install the demo content.

        1. Hanno Koehncke Avatar
          Hanno Koehncke

          You will install the demo content for me? – What a generous person you are! That’s nice really!

          Hopefully the newes changes of wordpress (5.0.3) and the genesis framework (2.8.1) and Authority Pro (1.1.0) work together with your code…

          I tried to present you a system as clean as possible. I wiped everything and installed everything new:

          Deleted all data in the MYSQL database.
          Deleted the whole wordpress-installation and installed new.
          Forced https.
          Installed Plugins (as far as i know, which ones are needed)

          Then your 5 steps as far as i knew how to do it:

          Step 1 : Upload the file named replicant.php to the Authority Pro themes root directory and select the template named Front Page Replicant from the templates drop down menu in the Page Attributes box on any Edit Page screen. <<<

          Step 1: Done.

          Step 2 : Upload the file named heros.php to the Authority Pro themes root directory. <<<

          Step 2: Done.

          Step 3 : Copy & paste the PHP code from the functions file to the end of the Authority Pro themes functions.php file.<<<

          Step 3: Done.

          Step 4 : Copy & paste the CSS from the style-front.css file inside the css folder to the Authority Pro themes style-front.css file located inside the css folder and clear caching.<<<

          Step 4: Almost done – with exception of “clear caching” – What caching is meant and how to do it? Did not know how – so i did not do that.

          Json File
          Step 5 : You can then install and activate the ACF plugin Pro Version and import the json file you’ll find in the download folder.<<<

          Step 5: ACF plugin Pro Version installed – but i did not try to import anything.

          I think, i turn wordpress-language to english for you? – Done. It is >>>english (united states)<<< now.

          Here the login-data:

          Hope, it is not too time-consuming for you – and thank you!


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