Altitude Pro Front Page Template As Page Template – Easy Setup Version

This version enables you to use the Altitude Pro themes front page template on unlimited pages.

Unlike the older version of the template, you can import the content with background images then make the modifications you need to the HTML rather than having to manually add content for each section 1 – 7.

Here’s the demo video showing how you can use the template on unlimited single pages and add the demo content quickly & easily.

#Demo Video

Shows how you can select the template on any Edit Page screen and change the text and/or background images for each section to display unique content.

#Template Installation

Upload the file named front-page-copy.php to the Altitude Pro themes root directory and import the json file from the download folder using the ACF > Custom Fields > Tools > Import File feature as seen in the following screenshot.

Note : This version of the template requires usage of the ACF plugin for importing the content via a json export file however once you import the content, you can deactivate or delete the plugin and the content will always display.

Register or login to access the download folder :

2 responses to “Altitude Pro Front Page Template As Page Template – Easy Setup Version”

  1. fotod0g13 Avatar

    Hey Brad
    Wondering if there is a way to add a Soliloquy Slider to one of these widget areas.
    I can do it with shortcode on the home page of the site but having problems figuring out how to do that with the front page copy here- the shortcode you get from soliloquy is not recognized and loads as text.
    thinking there must be a way to do this
    fyi- I accidentally posted this in the altitude pro sample theme tutorial by mistake- this is the one I meant to post in

    1. Hello Scott

      Wrap the custom field in do_shortcode like this :

      do_shortcode( genesis_get_custom_field( ‘section_2’ ) )

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