Monochrome Pro Front Page As Page Template – Easy Setup Version

This new version of the this older template enables you to use the Monochrome Pro themes front page template and import the demo content on any number of single pages with unique content in less than 3 minutes.

Watch the demo video to see how it’s done :

Demo Video

Shows how you can setup the template and import the demo content within 3 minutes.


There’s 2 steps relating to usage of the files in the download folder :

Step 1 : Upload the file named front-page-copy.php to the Monochrome Pro themes root directory and select the template named MP Front Page Template from the templates drop down menu in the Page Attributes box on any Edit Page screen.

Step 2 : Import the json file using ACF Pro > Custom Fields > Tools > Import File.

You’ll then need to click the Update button on the Edit Page screen to display the demo content.

Note : You can delete the ACF Pro plugin once the content is imported.

Register or login to access the download folder :

7 responses to “Monochrome Pro Front Page As Page Template – Easy Setup Version”

  1. Debbie Hastings Avatar
    Debbie Hastings btw your reference says front-page-copy.php but in the folder it’s front-page copy.php (a space not hyphen).

    1. Please change the file to front-page-copy.php. Based on my backup copy, this is what it is so i have no idea how it’s been changed. The only people who have access to my server are me and WPEngine/StudioPress staff.

      1. Debbie Hastings Avatar
        Debbie Hastings

        no difference. (changed name only). have a look. Thoughts? This is the monochrome pro theme. Used ACF to import the json. That is showing up at the bottom of the page.

        I don’t see what I’m missing. Thanks in advance. Love your ongoing support.

        1. It only works in versions which use front page widget areas so you have 2 choices : 1. Use an older version of the theme or 2. Use this solution

          1. Debbie Hastings Avatar
            Debbie Hastings

            That’s what I was worried about. Ok. Well, I’ll use a different theme and make it work with widgets and don’t want to use Gutenberg. Thanks again.

          2. You mean a older version of the theme? Use any which contains a front-page.php file.

  2. Debbie Hastings Avatar
    Debbie Hastings

    sorry – this didn’t work. left me with a blank page.

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